Eva oh Eva

Aiyoolahaii Eva..
Beriye cook something for us td but she's still taknak makan.. :'(
Now die mmg tgh season xselere mkn..
Especially mknn die..
But if bg ice cream, cake, chocolate ke, hamboiiii
kemaen laju die ngange..hehe..
Well, as a mom, of course susah hati / sedih jugk..
My sis (biras) kak Linda pon facing the same probs here.
Oh ye so do kak Ieda, but si bobot tu sekedompot mok2 habes, 
so xdela kak ieda susah hati sgt rsenye kn..
Mm diorg ni berseason2 pulak..
jap selere kemaen makan, jap xnk..
nk maen je or just attracted to sweets.
aiyoo sayaaangggg...
Doctor ckp xleh biasekn die eat more sweets, takot nnt die lgsg xnk mam real meal die.
And kne bnykkn lg cube various food, tgk mane die nk.
yes she loves something new, but few bites je, then bosan dh, xnk dah.
Haa kelassss kau kn. huhu.
Td mskkn scramble egg, potato, mr.crab for her ( & me too)
dlm egg tu tmbhlaa cheese & mayo, then msk pon with butter,
konon nk bg die cpt gemoklaa kn
but then haaa amek kau die mkn ciput je,
penyudahnye diri sndr jugk yg kne hbeskn bny.
sapo yg gemok skrg nh? akuuu jugaaakkk :'(
yelaa, tak mkn kang membazer plak kn. huhuhuu
Dear Pumpkin, tolonglaa mkn lebih dr 3 4 suap ye? Poor mommy kannn..
Haa now die dh bgn dr a lil nap td.
ape lg, eating mission in action. hehee.
Alhamdulillah, nk jugk die mkn lg. 
Takpelaa bialah betaon nk tunggu & bepuluh kali smbung2 mkn, asalkan die mkn bny sket.
hopefully season xselere mkn nh xlame laa kali ni. Aminnnn.. :)
Oh god i love it when she wants to eat, just eat. 
Takpelah, mama sabar & try je whatever slagi boleh k syg!


0 bubblynotes :):

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